Reel Roberto Robles from robertorobles on Vimeo.
Bugatti 1928 - Primeiros testes
Comercial Uniube
Comercial Uniube from ROBERTOROBLES on Vimeo.
Maquete nunca é um trampo fácil, principalmente quando precisa de animação. Esse trampo foi preciso construir a maquete planejando a sua fragmentação. O problema maior que tive foram os overlaps da animação para dar um efeito mais ritmado na construção. A pós-produção ficou por conta do Rógerio Passos.
Comercial Feijão
Teclado no gelo
Projeto de criatura para still em 3D, a idéia era conceber uma criatura em ambiente marinho e com locomoção como um povo..surgiu a ideia de misturar uma locomoção de tentaculos com algo com casco...logo pretendo colocar ele modelado.
Creature concept for a 3d still image. The idea here was to concept a creature in an underwater place moving like an octopus. Then i have the ideia of mix the motion of the tentacles with some kind of helmet. As soon as possible I'll put the 3d version.
Design de players - Player design
This project was a player development. I've tried to create a dynamic look so the openning movement would work with the rest of the design. One thing that i've looked for when creating this design was for the information to look easy to read for the user. This was the result.
Apresentação de produto para industria - Product pre-viz for industry
Esse trabalho foi a previsualização de um produto a ser fabricado por uma industria da cidade e tem como objetivo, explicar o funcionamento como também a instalação das peças.
This one here was a pre-viz of a product to be made by an industry here in Uberlândia. The main goal was to explain how the product works and how to install it.
Carro de formula1_ textura e iluminação - Formule One car - Texturing and lighting

Yus - filme para Guatemala / YUS - a movie for guatemala
Esse filme foi para um empresa de sucos da guatemala..apesar do trampo varias frutas e luz com soft..foi um tremendo aprendizado...principalmente nos tratamento de textura e sua adaptação com a luz. o link para ver o video é:
This one was done for a juice company in Guatemala. Altough this one was really hard (with a lot of fruits and soft lights) it really was a great way to learn more, especially making the textures for the fruits. The link for the movie is right down here:
Yus-Comercial from ROBERTOROBLES on Vimeo.
Video Cinemais
Finalmente..consegui terminar a cena do çaça, e ate rolou um vt usando ele... foram muitos teste de render..o video pode ser conferido no site da empresa numa qualidade melhor:
Finally i've finished these aircrafts scenes. And we used for a commercial. A lot of render tests were made. Check out the video at the link to follow:
F-18 Cinemais from ROBERTOROBLES on Vimeo.
Personagem Robo - Robot Character
The briefing about this little fella was really vague. I was supposed to do someone sympathetic. As we were doing a character for a electronic components industry, it was suggested for us to do a robot as a reference of technology, the rest was all about big eyes and the company's color, blue.
As ludic as it sounds, it is really hard to do a character concept. It's necessary to really have modelling skills and a nice knowledge of proportion. It would be interesting if not only 3d workers known that, but also the clients.
rig by Thiago Max
Robo anima from ROBERTOROBLES on Vimeo.
Limão 3D - 3D lemon
Mental ray study for optimization of render time. When the client aprove this work I'll post the video. Mental ray was the choosen one for being a great renderer when the subject is soft shadows.
A pré-visualisação de projetos - Project Pre-Vis

Another way for marketing projects are 3d pre-vis composition. It's possible to understand trough the image all the solutions for the project, improving the presentation of it.
Reforçando o design de marcas - Powering a brand design

A logo wins a lot with 3d modelling. It's possible to work with a lot of different materials and a logo always look better when animated. Of course it has to be well done and carefully so the animation don't become something pyrotecnic. This logo was created for a car selling store. The only thing that gave me a hard time was the shader because I needed a result that would satisfy me and the client.
A importancia da arte - The art importance
I'm posting here two clay sculptures (not everything that i do is 3D, LOL!) These are my course conclusion works and a great tip for all of us: fisically sculpt things really helps to improve 3d modelling.
Liberdade de idéias - Freedom of ideas

A big plus when using 3d for advertise is the possibility of create any crazy ideas that the agency art directors can have. That is really something, knowing that with the aknowlenge of your tools it is possible to create flying pigs, talking fishs and turtles playing soccer. You can really break the ground - giving no limits to your imagination, especially when you really know your software. Here is a eight shaped balloon done for a job that didn't make the surface. It is quite simple but I really enjoyed the end result as a illustration. The issue here was when texturing and mapping - to give the air balloon effect.
Milho - Corn

A modelagem do caminhão e da espiga foi do Bernardo Neri e a composição do Rogerio Passos.
An interesting work for 3d users are the macro ones. I had a bit of fear that a close shot on theses corns would look good, but i guess my work made the client happy.
Link to see the video
truck / corn modeller: Bernardo Neri
Composing: Rogerio passos
Composição - Compositing

A cool part of 3d is the compositing of a digital image with a real one...I don't even need to say how is important to have a good eye to make the two work fine together.
The best thing in this case is to have great after effects guys avaiable so they can integrate the 3d animation with the scene shot. It´s really cool to team work. Tracking and color correction by Rogerio Passos. The modeling was piece of cake, I just had to give a little attention to the animation.